Phillip Haumesser, from Missouri, took up photography after his wife, Natasha, surprised him with a camera for his birthday and asked for more photos of their children, 1-year-old Reuben and 3-year-old Richard. With his new gadget in hand, he attempted to snap some photos of his family, but his first try didn’t go well. “The kids got bored immediately because Dad was trying to get them to pose and sit still, something I discovered quickly that is not the natural state for children two and under,” he told The Huffington Post. So Phillip decided to take a different approach.
“I decided we were just going to try to make this fun and not care about how the photos turned out, and if we got some good ones it would be a plus.”
“So we did just that. I just let the kids start playing in the barnyard with the animals and I would even get in there and play with them, sometimes I forget we are even taking photos, then I’ll just step back and snap some photos.”
The resulting images of his children, their farm animals, and the beautiful rural scenery at the family’s 10-acre farm perfectly capture what it means to be a kid growing up in the countryside.
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